Here you have a man running for POTUS telling a bunch of people to stop sending their children to college because they are institutions of indoctrination. By indoctrination of course he means teaching them things like science, philosophy,and critical thinking. You know...all that evil shit that catapulted us out of the dark ages. Plus, it's not as if we aren't full of institutions masquerading as colleges but are really just there to brainwash kids with their draconian rules. Nobody is stopping anyone from attending those places.
This man is obviously threatened by knowledge and information. This man obviously has no interest in progressing society and he seems perfectly content to want to drag it back to the dark ages. Yet this man is getting votes in these early primaries at a rather alarming rate. That's very scary to me and it should be to anyone.
Now I know that Asspologist will come along and be all like "No, don't get it, Vandelay. He doesn't REALLY think that. He's just pandering to the lowest common denominator." Perhaps...although I'm not so sure with this loon. Even if that's true though, it's quite clear that him and all of his opponents want nothing more than to keep the ignorant as ignorant as possible. That's not leadership. It's very, very dangerous.
If it is in fact true that education is at odds with faith...and I think Santorum is right about that...the real fool is the one that thinks the problem with that is the education.
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