Here's an interesting little debate. And by interesting, I mean, "Only in fucking America is this even up for debate."
It seems that there are a group of folks out there that would like to see hamburger eliminated from America's diets. No, this isn't a PETA thing, which is good, because those fuckers can eat my dick. These people are folks who have done their research on hamburger, specifically E. Coli contamination and, in some cases, have personally been affected by family or friends dying because of E. Coli related medical issues.
Now, I get the point of when something bad happens to the people we love, we are filled with a mix of emotions that cause us to react in a pretty hard line stance kind of way. People who lose loved ones to drunk drivers take that stance, as do people who die by firearms, drugs, etc. But hamburger? Somewhere, Ray Kroc is rolling in his Hamburglar casket.
Now, I have an issue with this. Why? Because I love burgers. I love hamburger helper. I cook chili with it. I'll put it's grease in my hair when I'm having a rough hair day. And I don't see the issue with it whatsoever. Really people, this is hamburger. A processed food that billions of Americans eat over the course of a year. And outside of a few isolated incidents where a person becomes infected by a pathogen that kills them, it is a safe food item that has made many people not go hungry, so relax. Not to mention we are debating an issue that only could be had in America. Millions of people are starving world wide, and here we are saying "burgers are bad for you. Eat Tofu." Fuck you. Ask the people of Darfur whether or not they are worried about poop in their food. You won't find one. Why? They don't have shit to eat anyway, nor time to worry about poop in the food they have.
With that being said, and while I agree that some food processing plants are shady and could use an ass kicking, "banning" anything is bad. Banning a food item because 3 people ate undercooked meat that reeked of bovine ass and died is going way the fuck overboard.
Really, I just loved the quote, "We have eyes in the front of our head. We have fingernails. We have ...
teeth and long legs. We were designed from the get-go ... so that we
could chase down smaller, stupider creatures, kill them and eat them."
Case closed.
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