Okay, I wasn't going to grieve this year either just because we had lost all momentum with this place as so many people do with so many blogs but then I said something about Festivus on Facebook to which Assman posted his grievance and then my friend Zoo (Brody around here) posted a grievance which was directed straight at me. Well because it's Zoo, most of his grievances were kind of stupid but one really stuck out at me that was particularly retarded so here's my little secular rant at the dumbest grievance of all time. Sort of a counter-grievance if you will...
Zoo: And all this anti-religious propaganda and pro-Carl Saganism, it’s just as preachy as religion itself and sometimes that’s the problem, the preachiness of others.
(Bangs head against desk 58 times)
Seriously…you are an idiot. Preachiness is the problem? Preachiness? Not what’s being preached? Are fucking kidding me? I got news for you…I would love to be preached to. Preach your socks off! Tell me what I’m missing! A billion fucking people think a cracker turns into the flesh of their messiah where upon they eat him and that’s perfectly acceptable behavior. So acceptable that you can’t even be elected to high office in this country if you don’t believe it. That’s not a fucking problem, Zoo? I sit here before you today and I say…”Preach the fuck away.”
Here’s the thing Zoo…the problem is not the preachiness. It’s the inability to back up anything that you’re preaching with anything of remote substance. I embrace the shit out of the discourse yet assholes like you think it’s perfectly acceptable for people to say something and then get all offended when someone questions it just because they can hide behind the stained-glass window of Faith. See that’s the difference…I want my views constantly questioned. I’m okay with being wrong. I’m okay with not knowing things. Not knowing things is way more liberating than tying yourself to an absolute truth…an impermeable faith…especially one as retarded as the idea that a fucking Palestinian carpenter died for your sins.
I mean look at the fucking things that you’re comparing…
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