This might be the first and probably the last time I will ever use the "Art" tag. So real quick, some dude that hates socialism and can work a brush recently pulled all of his art from the BYU bookstore after the bookstore took this painting off the shelves due to some hippy douchebags whining about the secularism of the Constitution or some shit. John McNaughton (the artist/real American) was all like "Fine, you motherfuckers don't think the Constitution was divinely inspired? I forbid you from buying my art! Ha!" Okay enough of that...let's get to the painting.
So I suppose this is the rapture we've all been hearing about for so long and it's taking place right in front of the Capitol and the Supreme Court! JC brought a bunch of dead people with him and then among the living, the ones he likes are on his right and the liberal scum on his left are I suppose about to be laid to waste. It looks like all the forefathers made the cut so that's good...even though you got guys like Jefferson, Franklin, and Payne in there who were basically atheists. Jefferson hated God so much that he made a bible omitting everything about God! I dont know what the fuck Honest Abe is doing there but he looks like Al Jolson, doesn't he? Apparently, Christa McAuliffe even made the cut (she looks good!).
The greatest part about this painting though is that you can go to the site and scroll over any part of the painting where McNaughton will provide for you a description of what each figure represents. For example, see the guy sitting to the Jewish Zombie's left on the top step with the glasses?
"College Professor - He tightly holds his Origin of Species book by Charles Darwin. This represents the liberal left's control of our education system. His smug expression describes the attitude of many of the education elite. There is no room for God in education. There is contempt for any other viewpoints. Humanism dominates the educational system of America and I believe that is wrong. Notice that he is the only one sitting at the top step. He tries to place himself on equal footing with God, but he is still nothing next to the intelligence of the Creator."
By the way, the BFF-looking chick on his right with the books is a school teacher. School teacher = good. College Professor = Bad. Also, you'll notice a dark figure to the left of the liberal professor...that's Satan. Yup...Satan even showed up to this theocratical orgy! So your assignment for today is to go to the site and learn as much as you can about this moment in history that hasn't happened yet because it's coming, baby! Oh, and after that, check out "The Forgotten Man." So great. Abe's fucking pissed!!!
Anyway, you can purchase a print for like 900 bucks so start saving. If this isn't hanging behind my bar in an ironic fashion by the end of the summer, I'm clearly not trying hard enough.
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