Okay, so Casey Anthony was acquitted of murdering her kid yesterday. You know the story...bones, duct tape, chloroform...I don't need to get into detail. I honestly didn't even follow it but I will say it's kind of weird how the jury convicted her of lying to the police and nothing else. If you think she was lying to the police, isn't the next logical question, "What was she trying to hide?"
Now this probably doesn't neccessarily qualify as a grievance but more of an observation, I suppose. After this verdict came up, Facebook absolutely blew the fuck up and I imagine that Twitter did as well. Chiles made Darden/Clark comparisons to the prosecution, Assman wanted the Melendez brothers set free, Newman was let down by his home state, and Whatley wanted to sodomize Casey Anthony...which had nothing to do with the trial outcome by the way. But outside of those clowns who actually have original thoughts, it really just turned into this network of sheep trying to make sure everyone knew that it upset them that a little girl died three years ago. Meanwhile, nobody said a fucking word about this kid since the day she died and all of a sudden it deserves the maximum amount of empathy because mommy didn't get the chair. For example...
"I can't believe Casey Anthony is innocent on all charges. There had to be at least one of thse they could have found her guilty on. However I will not make judgments on the jury as I was not in the court room with them. Casey Anthony will face her maker someday and justice will be served. God bless Caylee Marie Anthony."
"Dear Mommy...I see you smiling down there below...are those tears of joy you show? I'm glad your happy, although you lied...I'd love to be right by your side...but by your choice, I view from above...tell my Grandparents I send my love...it's Beautiful here, is all I can say...your life will go on...without me in your way. Love Caylee. XOXO. REPOST FOR A LITTLE GIRL THAT OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM LET DOWN!"
God dammit! All of a sudden, we care about the children, right? No...we don't. We care that people know that we care about the children. That's what this is all about. See, Caylee Anthony is easy for people. Terrible thing that happened to a cute (white?) child. You'd be inhuman not to feel any empathy towards that. It's so easy that it turns into a fucking competition. I think I had a point here...
Oh yeah. We've become completely desensitized towards genocide. I think the human mind likes small doses of tragedy but as that tragedy multiplies, the amount of empathy actually decreases. Just a little over a decade ago, 800,000 (mostly children) Tutsi people in Rwanda were hacked up with machetes over like nothing. I don't think word of this has even gotten to most Americans yet. So my theory is that there is actually an inverse relationship between the amount of empathy provided and the amount of tragedy that actually occurs. Kind of interesting to me. Someone smarter than me should do a study on it. Thanks.
Okay, since I'm me...I guess I do have one small grievance that goes out to all the righteous fuckers invoking Jesus to bring Casey to justice. You don't get to do that. I've said it before and I'll say it again...your justice system sucks way worse than this one. The only unforgiveable crime is apostasy and Casey Anthony is still completely eligible for an eternal paradise. If you're going to walk this earth acting like your sins don't count because you're credulous enough to believe in the sin-washing power of a 2000 year old blood sacrifice, then Casey Anthony gets the same fucking luxury. That's what you signed up for. You don't like it...good. Time to start thinking for yourself.
Oh and everyone who left their lights on all night the other night in memory of Caylee, what will you do to the environment tonight to remember the 5,000 three year olds that will die from cancer today?
I didn't actually say "sodomize". I would do her though and come on...who wouldn't? She seems as easy as a Manute Bol lay-up.
And I find it amazing that as quickly as the uproar tsunami'd onto facebook, all is now back to normal. I guess the lights are turned off now.
Posted by: Two tits a hole and a Whatley | July 07, 2011 at 03:43 PM
This whole thing is just a mess. I am appalled at how many people are riled up about her getting off. The evidence wasn't there. The justice system actually worked. Sure, we all know she's a lying whore but we can't prove (and clearly the prosecution couldn't prove) beyond a reasonable doubt that she is a murderer. There. I said it.
Posted by: randi | July 07, 2011 at 04:44 PM
And I didn't say the Menendez Boys should be free. I said that we now have evidence that kids aren't allowed to murder parents, but parents are allowed to murder kids. And that she looks like everyone's really obnoxious ex-girlfriend.
That poem is pretty boss though.
Posted by: Assman | July 07, 2011 at 06:18 PM
I didn't follow this at all, but from the circumstantial evidence that I've now heard was presented, I can't believe she beat all the serious charges.
Yeah, I wasn't in the courtroom, and don't know what the jury heard, but from a summary I read of the stuff the prosecution had against her it's crazy to me that she beat both murder and manslaugher.
I hear some people saying it's the CSI effect, and I honestly think there is a ton of credibility to that. Folks watch these shows on t.v. and expect there to be some ironclad gotcha or smoking gun in all cases, and if there isn't one, than the prosecution hasn't met it's burden.
Shame that there won't even be a civil trial because there's no one to bring it, I think.
Posted by: jackie | July 07, 2011 at 09:11 PM
I completely agree with Vandelay. There wasn't enough to convict.
I actually saw comments on facebook where people were threatening to unfriend people who refused to hop on the injustice train....crazy.
But I have to disagree with Jackie's "shame that there won't even be a civil trial" comment.
As a lawyer, I get the whole burden of proof thing. But as a thinking person, it seems so unfair to me that someone can be civilly liable when they haven't been convicted of a crime. I'd prefer the conviction as a prerequisite to any civil action in cases like this.
Posted by: Bethany | July 07, 2011 at 09:54 PM
Wait a second here... we've got two thresholds to discuss. There's the legal threshold, which says we didn't have enough to convict and then there's the real life threshold where... we kinda know she did it, right? Are we still fuzzy on the fact that she did it? Like, in real life? Not the court of law?
Posted by: Assman | July 07, 2011 at 09:59 PM
Are we still fuzzy on the fact that she did it? Like, in real life? Not the court of law?
I think she did it. At the very least manslaughter. If she's stupid enough to put her kid to sleep with chloroform so she can go tramp it up in Florida, she's stupid enough to give her enough so it's fatal. A three year old girl isn't exactly King Kong.
Posted by: Vandelay | July 07, 2011 at 10:29 PM
I completely agree with Vandelay. There wasn't enough to convict.
To be fair, I didn't actually make that point. I didn't follow it closely enough to know if enough evidence was presented.
Posted by: Vandelay | July 07, 2011 at 10:31 PM
I think she did it. At the very least manslaughter. If she's stupid enough to put her kid to sleep with chloroform so she can go tramp it up in Florida, she's stupid enough to give her enough so it's fatal. A three year old girl isn't exactly King Kong.
Is it in anyway normal to be giving a baby chloroform to go to sleep unless you're looking for the sleep to be permanent?
Bethany, fair enough, you just disagree with the system. I will say though that in a case like OJ's it actually pisses me off that he's found guilty civilly, yet skates criminally.
Posted by: jackie | July 08, 2011 at 12:11 AM
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Posted by: beach wedding invitations | July 08, 2011 at 03:33 AM
Beyond the chloroforming she initially did, the whole not reporting her kid missing, not being sad at all after she died, not having any apparent grief over her loss for 31 days thing just confounds me. How that couldn't be clear evidence of her doing something horrible is beyond me.
She was happy to be free of the kid, dammit. Happy enough to call it "dolce vita" permanently on her body.
It's all just so sick.
Posted by: Faith | July 08, 2011 at 09:24 AM
Is it in anyway normal to be giving a baby chloroform to go to sleep unless you're looking for the sleep to be permanent?
Well, normal is a relative term. For a really, really stupid person, that may be normal.
Posted by: Vandelay | July 08, 2011 at 10:54 AM
If she's stupid enough to put her kid to sleep with chloroform so she can go tramp it up in Florida, she's stupid enough to give her enough so it's fatal. A three year old girl isn't exactly King Kong.
I can understand someone WANTING to chloroform a kid. God knows, I can understand that. But being animal enough to do it a few times, then not reporting the kid missing for a month... I mean, sure, maybe not enough to convict, but come on.
Posted by: Assman | July 08, 2011 at 11:10 AM
No, I'm with you. I'm just arguing that if not enought to convict of murder, it seems like it's at least enough to convict of manslaughter.
Posted by: Vandelay | July 08, 2011 at 12:02 PM
An earlier post said we all know Casey is "a lying whore", I don't. Yes, she lied left and right, and is very likely promiscuous--however, I think a whore takes money for sex-- I never heard that she worked for an escort service or offered her services in some other way to men for money.
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