How the fuck did I not know about this? The U.S. Attorney General wrote and recorded a song and then performed it live to an actual audience? WTF? This could possibly be better than Drinking out of Cups! Shame on every last one of you for holding out on me like this!
Could possibly be the greatest thing I've ever seen. Harrison's 100 yard pick-6 in the Super Bowl is under some serious fire.
My god... Why is my dick hard right now? Should I be this excited? This is unreal! Where do I begin?
First of all, how do you film this and not at least cut the camera away to a smiling Lawrence Welk at least twice during the song? Is there a whiter moment in all of musical history than this? Who does this thrill more: the Tea Party or Bryant Gumbel?
I'll be honest... I'm in my apartment drinking right now and it's possible that I'm just dreaming this, so I'm going to feel free to cut loose. I goddamn love this. He's singing about a fucking eagle that has had it's flight desires stifled. And he's not singing it in a "get off my stage - I own this moment" way. He's singing it in a "holy shit, I'm the goddamned attorney general, am I going to get fired for this?" way. In the "oh man, they're filming this... I'll bet I'm going to be on YouTube" way. In the "I swear to god, if some Bruce Bowen looking motherfucker goes on a blog and makes fun of me, I'm going to make bacon illegal" way. In the "I went to law school for 18 years and let the president fuck my wife and I'm about to blow this because of my secret desire to be Bing Crosby" way.
I love it. I fucking love it. I love it like rednecks like bombing Libya.
Posted by: Assdude | March 24, 2011 at 12:19 AM
Is there a whiter moment in all of musical history than this?
My alternate title for this was "The Whitest Thing You'll Ever See."
Posted by: Vandelay | March 24, 2011 at 12:32 AM
Assdude has me in tears. I was in tears before I even got to "some Bruce Bowen looking mother fucker."
I need to hear from Klompus on this shit now. Where the fuck is Warner? Isn't the sun up in England yet? She needs to see this immediately too.
Posted by: Vandelay | March 24, 2011 at 12:50 AM
My god... Why is my dick hard right now? Should I be this excited? This is unreal! Where do I begin?
You know... I remember watching the video and muttering to myself about it, but don't completely remember leaving a drunken comment.
Either way, I mostly agree with drunken me. He looks like he's part overconfident in the "I'm so important and famous... why don't I just start singing too?" way. Like Bruce Willis or Don Johnson. And he's part scared shitless in the "oh man... they're all staring at me... I should have sung about a tiger instead" way. Ten out of ten.
Posted by: Assman | March 24, 2011 at 12:08 PM
More importantly, how the hell did Bruce Willis get to keep his man card after singing so passionately about wine coolers?
Posted by: Vandelay | March 24, 2011 at 12:38 PM
this was in Fahrenheit 911. Moore made it look scary as shit with cut outs of Baghdad being blown apart by cruise missiles.
5 fucking minute song! i need a beer after watching 30 seconds of it.
Posted by: Mr. Kruger | March 24, 2011 at 12:52 PM
They've shown excerpts from this video on the Daily Show a number of times.
The best part of the song is at around 1:19 when he says "from rocky coast..." and can't seem to figure out what to do with his hands. Then he licks his lips like he's seducing the crowd before saying "to golden shore." Such stage presence!
Posted by: Jeff | March 24, 2011 at 02:21 PM
I love it... is there any way we can get this on Auto Tune the News a la...
Gregory Brothers... Get on this!
Posted by: SteelSox | March 24, 2011 at 11:51 PM
I enjoy reading the report, too. It′s easy to understand that a journey like this is the biggest event in ones life.
Posted by: motion | March 29, 2011 at 09:25 PM
interfering with long days, today reported that not only hatred, Vulcan promised that the room is also the occult not the. Chidi tribe out on the surface of a total of four children fighting spirit
Posted by: Coach Factory | June 29, 2011 at 06:00 AM