UPDATE: Don't know where the first indicident occurred, but notice our favorite short bus state gets top billing. The rest of it is chock full of disturbing citations mixed with laughable quotes. But nothing more ridiculous than the last one :
"People are talking about how left out they feel, ... and they feel that something strange and radical has taken over our country."
Alright folks. We're less than 24 hours away from a torrential downpour of Hope-and-Change soup. That's right, the entire world is about to be changed and rearranged (no pressure, Obbie). Any predictions on what will be the fallout, if any, when our second black president is elected? We know there will be hundreds of unnecessary interviews with polarizing supporters of both candidates. We'll no doubt get to hear Spike Lee wax Spikey on all things Spikish. And I'm sure there'll be in-depth analysis on how Sarah Barracuda-Joe the Plumber will be the GOP ticket in 2012, with McCain being long deceased by then (according to Matt Damon's actuary tables). But what about all the hooligans we've been reading about, with their effigies, mailers, and assault hoaxes? Surely they can't be tapped out?
So place your bets. What will be the first non-fatal* incident? Where will it be located? Which demographic will be repsonsible? There's been much speculation here (and everywhere). My guess is that it will be a student riot at a college in Indiana.
* I was reluctant to post on this subject in the first place but have decided to proceed with caution. Assuming only the souls of Huckabee supporters will perish from Obamageddon, I'm cautiously optimistic no death will occur as a result. This post will be be duly edited or deleted if I turn out to be wrong.
Its very possible that it occurs in Darien as we already discussed.
I think you may be editing at the very least, repeatedly.
Posted by: Ocho Ocho | November 04, 2008 at 08:32 AM
My guess is that it will be a student riot at a college in Indiana.
Certainly, certainly...it will be those dirty hippies at Ball State. Good call, Klompus.
Say, where are you watching this election fall out? Detroit? Or Auburn Hills?
Posted by: Dr. Tim Whatley | November 04, 2008 at 09:25 AM
"Say, where are you watching this election fall out? Detroit? Or Auburn Hills?"
I'll be down at Wayne County jail holding "Free Kwame" signs.
Posted by: Jack Klompus | November 04, 2008 at 09:53 AM
I'll go with a hate crime in Georgia, probably Aryan influenced, in the parking lot of a Waffle House.
Posted by: Vandelay | November 04, 2008 at 10:06 AM
I'm going with an accidental trampling during the membership rally at the Utah Secessionist Party headquarters tonight.
Posted by: Aaron | November 04, 2008 at 10:49 AM
Or... possibly there might be a small disturbance at the white-power meeting near my hometown this weekend. I mean, just maybe. No need to declare a state of emergency or anything. Wait...
Posted by: Aaron | November 04, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Jessie Jackson will be arrested in a foiled attempt to cut off Obbie's balls.
Posted by: phil | November 04, 2008 at 11:14 AM
I'm going with celebration painted as riots or riots painted as celebration.
Posted by: puddy | November 04, 2008 at 11:25 AM
I got this one all locked up. Just bought a vest.
Posted by: Ocho Ocho | November 04, 2008 at 11:26 AM
I'm going with a shooting in Central Florida of someone celebrating the victory. Need to pick a town? Sanford, FL.
Posted by: Newman | November 04, 2008 at 11:28 AM
And I still think this is a huge jinx attempt by Klompus.
Posted by: Newman | November 04, 2008 at 11:28 AM
Who says it wont be Black people celebrating and then shot by cops a la '04 Red Sox when kids blinded by cop with flare gun.
Posted by: Ocho Ocho | November 04, 2008 at 12:00 PM
"And I still think this is a huge jinx attempt by Klompus."
Well if our readers must know the truth, it was actually the other way around. It was suggested by the other AofG posters that I be the one that writes this post since they were afraid of jinxing Obbie. Not that I'm all mavericky and shit, but I was happy to oblige.
Posted by: Jack Klompus | November 04, 2008 at 12:16 PM
You loved posting this and you know it.
Posted by: Newman | November 04, 2008 at 12:22 PM
"You loved posting this and you know it."
Not nearly as much as the Obama Youth videos. Or the Sanford & Son fuckup.
Posted by: Jack Klompus | November 04, 2008 at 12:25 PM
I'm worried about what will happen if McCain actually pulls off an electoral win. Somehow. Magically.
But since it's looking like Obama will take it, I'm hoping for the best. (But I'm taking my computer home with me tonight, just in case I need to work from home for the next few days...) If we have people unwilling to give candy out to children on Halloween because their parents supported Obama in the election, I don't wanna see what people like them plan to do when he actually wins. ::shudders::
Posted by: Faith | November 04, 2008 at 02:13 PM
Klompus, it doesn't look like you've linked to anything.
Posted by: Vandelay | November 17, 2008 at 10:17 AM
I'll go with a church burning in Springfield, Mass.
Posted by: mathesond | November 17, 2008 at 12:38 PM
From the captain obvious file: "Some Ignorant White Americans hate Obama."
That quote you mentioned was priceless.
Posted by: Dr. Tim Whatley | November 17, 2008 at 05:13 PM
I'll be down at Wayne County jail holding "Free Kwame" signs.
Did it work? That might be the busiest spot in Detroit...nay...Wayne County.
Posted by: Dr. Tim Whatley | November 17, 2008 at 05:14 PM
I'll be down at Wayne County jail holding "Free Kwame" signs.
Not necessary. For his skill level, Kwame Brown is getting more than enough playing time.
Posted by: Jeff | November 18, 2008 at 10:35 AM