Good choice? Bad Choice? Sell out? Wasn't foreign policy one of the only things that Obby and Hill didn't agree on?
Look, I have no doubt in my mind that the president elect is just an extremely evolved cat that realizes he's got two wars and an economic crisis to deal with before he worries about holding grudges as evidenced by his attitude towards Lieberman...but now there's even talk of McCain getting in this cabinet?
What's going on here?
(We need a new glossary term for a post in which every sentence ends in a question mark)
I want her to go away after the Clintonian revolution of the fall. But she could make a powerful ally.
I guess "keep your friends close and enemies closer" applies here.
Posted by: Ocho Ocho | November 20, 2008 at 11:23 AM
"I guess "keep your friends close and enemies closer" applies here."
Not any more than it would apply to Biden being selected as VP. She was only his enemy in the primaries, which have long since passed. She's still a Dem, so all his selections thus far are not as "anti-cronyistic" as the media is making them out to be. Hillary is responsible for floating this rumor and is trying to collect on offering her support for him in the general. I think it's pretty obvious he wants little or nothing to do with her being in his cabinet. Only, it may behoove him politically to do it.
Posted by: Jack Klompus | November 20, 2008 at 11:38 AM
If you want to envision this as a political move, you could say he's putting her on his team to keep from having to fight a political war on two fronts in 2012 or 2016. If she's lumped in with him, she can't claim to be any different.
If you want to envision this as a strictly staffing-related move, he's doing exactly what he said he'd do. Hiring people who disagree with him on some issues, but still have a strong grasp on the topic at hand, so they can have multiple points of view at the table before decisions are made.
Posted by: Assman | November 20, 2008 at 11:52 AM
No politics involved there- probably more just an obligatory gesture. I can't see how he would want to stick her in that office when there's so many others that have a lot more experience in international relations. She's got nothing to show for that job. Plus, she'd get hammered constantly for that "I was under fire" crap she dropped in the primary. I thought she'd logically fit into the Sec Health and Welfare. Although I'm guessing that job isn't big enough for her ego. Daschle has already been tapped for that anyway. Richardson would make more sense. Or Big Bill- he can work that crowd pretty good.
Posted by: | November 20, 2008 at 12:48 PM
Posted by: Mr. Kruger | November 20, 2008 at 12:49 PM
" Hillary is responsible for floating this rumor and is trying to collect on offering her support for him in the general."
Are you saying that Hillary is trying Bogart her way into this position through the Court of Public Opinion?
Posted by: Ocho Ocho | November 20, 2008 at 02:25 PM
Or Big Bill- he can work that crowd pretty good.
If by "Big Bill", you mean Clinton, he's ineligible for the job. I don't think he can take any role where he'd end up in line for succession of the presidency.
Posted by: Assman | November 20, 2008 at 02:56 PM
"Are you saying that Hillary is trying Bogart her way into this position through the Court of Public Opinion?"
Not entirely. I am saying she is trying to Bogart her way into the position. But not soley through the Court of Public Opinion. Remember the Clinton camp still has a lot of influence politically and globally. She's simply playing one of her political future chips.
Posted by: Jack Klompus | November 20, 2008 at 03:06 PM
"(We need a new glossary term for a post in which every sentence ends in a question mark)"
I think it should be "a 2-year old Girl." Infinite, unrelenting inquiries that are completely bulletproof to satisfactory answers. We would have a much more effective press corps if it was comprised of two-year old broads. Politicians wouldn't get away with shit.
Posted by: Jack Klompus | November 21, 2008 at 01:04 PM
(We need a new glossary term for a post in which every sentence ends in a question mark)
Um, Jewish mother?
Posted by: hdo45331 | November 26, 2008 at 03:58 AM