This just seems like a bit much. At a recent game at the House that Ruth Built and Jeter Slept With, a man with a Frenchy-sounding name got up to use the bathroom. Not a big problem as long as he's not pissing on the 14-year old girl in front of him, right Kels? Wrong. God Bless America was playing at the time, and I'm sorry, Monsieur Campeau-Larion, but God is not finished blessing Yankee Stadium just yet. Told that he was not allowed to move from his seat, the Frenchman demanded that NY's finest allow him to go and piss it out.
"I then said to him, 'I don't care about God Bless America. I just
need to use the bathroom.' As soon as I said that, he immediately
pinned my arm behind my back," Campeau-Laurion told CBS 2.
The 29-year-old says two officers pinned both of his arms behind his back and ejected him from the stadium.
"He shoved me out the front gate and told me get out of their country if I didn't like it," he said.
Seriously? Has it come to this? I'm all for government-forced patriotism (actually, no, I'm not at all), but you can't get up and piss during God Bless America? It's not our National Anthem, so you can't use that crutch. It's not like he was disrupting anything unless he pulled out his dick and said "I NEED TO USE THIS!". Of course, this is right up the pompous, godless, troop-hating alley of the NY Civil Liberties Union, who have contacted the Frenchman to see if maybe they can get some cash out of the NYC coffers via lawsuit.
"Because they are enforcing a rule of that imposes political
correctness through refusing to let somebody go to bathroom while a
patriotic song is playing, that violates Constitutional rights," said
Donna Lieberman, a spokesperson for the NYCLU.
The Yankees say it's now a police matter.
The NYPD told CBS 2 a different version of the story, however, saying in a statement:
officers observed a male standing on his seat, cursing, using
inappropriate language and acting in a disorderly manner while reeking
of alcohol, and decided to eject him rather than subject others to his
offensive behavior.
Campeau-Laurion was at the game with a Yankees season ticket holder who couldn't believe the cops allegations.
"That's ridiculous," said the fan, who asked not to be identified. "That's completely false."
says he did have two beers at the game. He doesn't know if he'll seek
legal action, but he's discussing his options with the NYCLU.
So it's going to come down to a he said-she said between the city police and a lady representing a Frenchman who just wanted to piss it out between innings. No matter how you slice it, this just seems ridiculous to forcefully eject a guy who gets up to piss during a song about God and America between innings while Jeter has his balls fondled by a team trainer in the dugout hallway. I love Patriotism Gone Wild (especially the part where Sam Adams takes his shirt off and showers with Patrick Henry)! This is the stuff that dreams are made of. Actually, they are made of activity in the synapses of the brain during REM sleep, but you know what I mean.
Be that as it may, the Yankees are DONE. Morbid in the Bronx last night. This is just a terrible way to got out. Just terrible.
And I readily admit to killing A-Rod after game 1 of this series, but he was the only one who showed up with a pair of testes last night. Truly awful performance.
Posted by: jackie | August 28, 2008 at 03:12 PM
Chiles, I told you, the Yankees were done the night that Joba went down and probably even before then.
Posted by: Vandelay | August 28, 2008 at 03:18 PM
to forcefully eject a guy who gets up to piss during a song about God and America between innings while Jeter has his balls fondled by a team trainer in the dugout hallway.
That's how it is all the time in that fucking dump. I wish it would catch fire.
Posted by: | August 28, 2008 at 03:22 PM
Go, Cubs! (I live walking distance from Wrigley.)
Posted by: Schmoopie | August 28, 2008 at 03:29 PM
Well then you better hit up the restroom before you get to the stadium.
Posted by: Newman | August 28, 2008 at 03:41 PM
I went to two Cubs games last week when I was in Chicago. Holy hell do those fans drink! Truly amazing.
Anyway, speaking as a non-American that goes to quite a few baseball games in the USA, the patriotism thing really gets laid on thick at stadiums. During the Star-Spangled Banner at Wrigley, this chick a couple of rows in front of us in the bleachers waved the peace sign during the last few lines, and every single person in the stands turned to face the flag as the song played. After this incident at Yankee Stadium, I'm feeling kinda lucky that some usher didn't come along and slap me for sipping a beer during the anthem.
Tone it down a little, folks! We all know you're nutty about your country already.
Posted by: H.E. Pennypacker | August 28, 2008 at 06:38 PM
Tone it down a little, folks! We all know you're nutty about your country already.
So, in Canada (NOT Quebec!) is there not some level of this kind of thing?
Posted by: phil | August 28, 2008 at 06:48 PM
Go, Cubs! (I live walking distance from Wrigley.)
Schmoopie, I might need a place to stay when I get down to Chicago in a few weeks for the Cardinals series. I'll bring the Old Style and the Harry Caray glasses.
Posted by: Dr. Tim Whatley | August 28, 2008 at 09:30 PM
Oh, as for the he said/they said with regards to Monsieur Campeau-Larion. I love how this stuff always happens in New York. Didn't NYPD's finest tackle that dude on a bike and then say that the bicyclist was trying to run him over or some shit like that? Yeah. The precedent is clearly in the PD's favor.
Posted by: Dr. Tim Whatley | August 28, 2008 at 09:33 PM
So, in Canada (NOT Quebec!) is there not some level of this kind of thing?
Nope. The only place I've seen anything approaching crazy-patriotism is in Ottawa on Canada Day, and it just looks kinda weird. (Fun, though, for a day.)
Dude... I've never been to any other country which has the same ongoing, 24/7/365 patriotism orgy as the US does. Frankly, it gets a little old/sickening/tired.
Posted by: H.E. Pennypacker | August 29, 2008 at 12:16 PM
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Posted by: xjwafyfr | December 16, 2011 at 03:56 AM